make money by website

make money online and e-bizonline news
Guest Post by Justin VanhoveIf you are looking to make money online you

should consider build a website. If you make your own website you will have so many options to not only create income, but residual income that keeps coming even after you stop working on the website. Many people dream of having a website that runs on autopilot and earns them money. People dream of waking up to see how many sales they made while they were asleep. Many people view this as being unattainable.However, several people are doing it now online through blogs and websites. It used to be that you had to know complicated computer languages such as HTML to learn how to make your own website. Nowadays that is not the case. There are several website builder tools available online that enable beginners to make their own high traffic money making websites. Websites are arguably the best tool for a beginner to use to make money online and more importantly create streams of passive income.Website's allow you to earn passive income because of all the options they offer. You can build an informational website, a website that sells a service, a review website, and many more. Each type can make you money. It is easier to start off building informational websites. Then learn SEO to get your pages ranking high in the major search engines thus bring you free targeted traffic. This business model has been proven most successful for beginners in recent years.With the wealth of free SEO knowledge and advice out there anyone can learn how to effectively optimize their pages for Google, Yahoo, Live, and ask as well as all the small search engines out there. The best part about website building is that you can choose a niche that you are passionate about. There are tons of unexploited niches out there in terms of competition in the search engines. Also for every niche their is an affiliate program out there if you are building strictly an informational website which is most common for beginners.A website offers you so many options in terms of monetizing for passive income. You can place Google Adsense ads on content pages, in-text links such as Kontera and Infolinks, links to affiliate programs, sell private advertisements, and create a money making autoresponder e-course. The options are endless and you have total freedom when you own your own website. You can send out a newsletter to thousands of email subscribers with the click of a mouse. Combine these methods of creating passive income from a website and you have leverage that few people will ever have. What I am saying is eventually you can make tons of money without doing much work. That is what makes it such an attractive opportunity
